Andrea Becky Hanson


Andrea has created a profoundly integrated comprehensive holistic, multicultural, multidimensional approach due to her life experience on all levels and dimensions of being. She teaches in empowering energy healing, Emotional Fitness retreats, and opportunities for resolution, reconnection and rejuvenation for sustainable inner- peace, strength and knowing your unique soul's nature and purpose.

Founding Director of Merging Rivers Healing Practices, Inc.


About now, you have more than likely experienced every emotion and state of being you can name and tried every coping mechanism you could possibly think of in this most challenging time in the known history of our human existence.

We have been subject to unimaginable circumstances and experiences beyond reason and our wildest imaginings. This is not just due to the pandemic. There are universal, galactic, and astrological forces at work that at best has not been present for at least thousands of years. We have been shoved into the need to reassess our thoughts, beliefs, and actions on every level of being.

So what is the good news?

I am very encouraged and excited about the messages that now abound. No matter what your successes or failures have been during this time, they all have served you in self-knowledge, self-worth, energy, and appreciation for a bright future and awareness and consciousness, life assessment, and plans for the future. No matter how you are feeling now, it's been one big gifted wake-up call!

Much of this information I am sharing is based on astrology and much is based on intuitive messages. Beginning on September 11th the forces have begun to reverse and will continue to ease and feel more supportive through the end of the year. Do not be disparaged by the common narrative in many of the world's societies.

Now is the time to reassess all YOUR beliefs, plans, and actions as you plan your journey out of this total grinding transformation. Going forward, beginning October 4th, if you choose, you will sense a sense of knowing, certainty about your values, your life's meaning and purpose, and your true intentions and life legacy for which you desire to be remembered. 2021 will be a much more expansive and supportive year for successful action.

Of course, there are individual exceptions for some, but generally speaking regarding the forces at work, this is something to consider. Below, I am including my message from a past newsletter because it is so applicable and a good idea to review.

If there ever a most potent time for self-responsibility, fearlessness, discernment, creativity, and "felt" most certainly must be now! A time of great challenge on every level and a time for continual, recurring reviewing of thinking, planning, living, and loving. In spite of all the hopeless attempts to return to "normal", we are forced to adapt-not to a new normal- but a continually changing normal. This challenges us in the basics of our creativity:

Remember, this is the nature of the Universe:

1 - Our perception determines our reality...

2 - Where we put our attention becomes enlivened...

3 - Our intention drives the outcome of any endeavor...

4 - We are powerful beyond our comprehension...

5 - As human beings of energy and light, we are being strongly prompted to evolve and explore our highest awareness and consciousness.

We will never return to the old comfortable perceived normal. It is up to us to make the new normal absolutely exponentially far more extraordinary. Although the disbelief, disappointment, and frustration are immeasurable, so is our ability to create anything in the universe. Only our fear, anger, hatred, grief, resentment, and regret limit us. In this unprecedented state of world affairs, we must step up to —and show up at—levels of intelligence and creativity higher than ever before.

Here are 4 pillars of character that must be present and strong for us to succeed individually and collectively:

Take time to think about these pillars and know yourself in these ways.

1 - Integrity: knowing and living based on your essential values. What are they and how do you live them?

2 - Discernment: The ability to know/choose well in a non-judgmental way.

The ability to know/discern the outcomes of possible choices. The ability to discern with the mind, heart, and spirit. The ability to feel the truth.

3 - The ability to embrace innovation and limitlessness and be unbound by old ways of coping with difficult situations. Be boundless, dig deeper and higher, and dream larger than life.!

4 - Undaunted determination, dedication, and devotion to love, compassion, elevation, and the worth and purpose of your life legacy you are creating.

You are all-powerful, fearless, and loving! Just be you.

As always, I would love to hear from you!

Love and Sat Nam,



Strategies for Staying in Love and Gratitude

I created a guide using some of my favorite strategies for staying in Love and Gratitude to make every day extra special, and I wish to share this with you here.

First, take at least the three moments below with yourself every day.

1. Be present and grateful. I love what Eckhart Tolle said about this: "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life."

2. Advice from Carlos Castenada: "Take time in the evening to recapitulate your day, forgive and be thankful. And then, plan and imagine the next day in terms of what you want to achieve, create, and feel."

3. Take time upon awakening in the morning to be in gratitude and silence/nature/meditation and set your intentions for the day.

For challenges during your day, use the guidance of the Aquarian Wisdom Sutras below:

1. Understand through compassion, otherwise, you will misunderstand the times.

2. Recognize the other person is just like some part of you.

3. When the time is upon you, start and the pressure will be off.

4. There's a way through every block.

5. Vibrate the cosmos, the cosmos shall clear the path for you.

Try any of these and notice the expansion of time, joy, and peace within. Experience every day, plan, imagine, love, and live it!

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Things Will Change for the Better…If

It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life in a foundation of chaos, suffering, and death.  I see the world as slowly being transformed into a wilderness; I hear that approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too.  I hear the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better.

—Anne Frank

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As people of the world, we have been catapulted into pure potentiality. All bets are off and everything we think, imagine, and do will never be the same. In this context, many feel lost, but only we individually and collectively can create a better world through heightened awareness, elevated thought, and courage.

Only if we can refrain from wanting to be in the past, wanting what we once had, suffering in trauma, anger, grief, helplessness over what has happened, will we be able to have things change for the better. 

Only if we can be clear about our intentions, where we put out attention, and how our actions support our deepest dreams or not will we be able to see things change for the better.

Only if we can realize our limitlessness creative nature and the importance of self-responsibility will we be able to re-create ourselves and our lives for the better—maybe the life you have always wanted.  

Only if each of us takes the opportunity to start anew in every aspect of our lives will things change for the better.

How can we do this in this crazy upside-down world with so much misinformation and lack of information, uncertainty, hatred, power-mongering, and so much death and trauma? Only if we step into co-creation with the Life Source/Creator/aka God. Here are 5 stepping stones to get started.

Begin to Create the Context of Your New Life in this New World

1.     Spend time in prayer, meditation, yoga, and other activities and in nature—allow this to inform you. Express with writing, art, music, and dance.

2.     Refocus your attention; it is the first universal law of energy that “where you put your attention becomes alive.”  First, move your attention to your Heart Center—close your eyes, be still, and listen. Your heart knows your truth, what you deeply desire, and what is the right action in each moment. Your heart and soul know who you are and why you are here. This is where you go for facts. Ask your heart, not your conditioned mind, any yes or no question, and be still and listen. You will get/feel a clear “yes” or a “no.” Your mind would want to have a debate.

3.      Make a list of your top 5 values/qualities of life—the values/qualities of life that are a must for the new life you desire.

4.     Make a list of your 5 clear intentions for your “new life”. The second law of energy is “your intentions (conscious or unconscious) are the force of what you will create.” What are your clear intentions for how you want your life to be in all areas of your life? Step into your life with your personal power and determination not to settle in any way. Of course, this is done with grace and ease.

5.      Dare to be the bold and positive and creative you. Remember, what you think is what creates your reality. What you think and do must match your values and your intentions. Honor your knowingness and courage. Only you are in charge of you. You do not need anyone to agree with you.  Of course, this is done with deep commitment, discernment, and charm.

With Love and Sat Nam,


Who Will We Be in our New Reality?

All thinking, communication, and actions have a purpose.  With our free will, we can choose if the purpose of our self-expression is helpful and life confirming or destructive and life-limiting.  In order to know and do this, we need to be keenly aware of where our attention is focused and what our intentions are. And that expression relies on what state of being we are in which we have established. At that point, it is imperative to determine what it is you want as your communication to create.

The wrong thinking begins with not knowing in what state you are established. A reactionary state is usually established in fear, anger, hatred, resentment, revenge, or controlling thoughts.  Those negative states (except in the case of righteous anger) are not good states from which to get your message across unless you want to amplify those states of being in the field.  Negative emotional states are like cancer and spread within and without when spewed out, creating more fear, anger, hatred, resentment, revenge, blame and shame-controlling thoughts and actions. The consequences of negativity are devastating to the original cause, the recipient, and to the world in general and lead to severe depression, greater fear, and hopelessness.

Right thinking is rooted within us with the use of discernment, awareness and clear conscious intentions. It is established in the emotional states of love, compassion, contentment, and harmony with a heartfelt desire for connection and positive outcomes. In other words, our state of being and presence is our message. This is true whether you are aware of your state of being or not. Have you ever said, "I didn't mean to say that!" or "That isn't what I meant," or even, "I wish I hadn't said that."  Here's how to avoid miscommunication and cultivate sacred communication.

I know one thing for sure: 2020 has no time for negativity— 24/7/366. The world now must focus on positive solutions to problems never even imagined and we have never experienced before.  This is not a time for hate and blame or despair (which never had a “right” time...), especially now that we are one world under siege, and especially with the abundance of misinformation and the dire lack of complete information about what is really happening. We must be part of the solution, not the problem, on every level—personally, in our family, community, society and as world inhabitants. Perhaps this feels overwhelming, but our very existence and consciousness are demanding this now. Be the solution in this new reality created by this tsunami of threats; create the tsunami of solutions through the right thinking, compassion, and right use of will/actions.  This all comes from a felt sense that is trusted and acted upon consistently, in love and compassion.

Love and Sat Nam,


The Space Between Us                                                                                                                                   

The space between us is sacred

And is of no size or time

It is not an obstacle but a fertile ground 

With the promise of transformation and freedom

It is not empty but full and rich with vibrating, dynamic potential

In that space is the bright flame of healing warning that it could flicker

Without the fuel of honesty

It is the delightful space of memory and reunion

Nothing can destroy it

And it allows our oneness to flourish

As we guard, trust, preserve and nurture it

Allowing only love and compassion there…

Continually, in all ways.

Andrea 2001 (Revised 2011) Poems from the Edge of a New Reality 2012


Communing With the Moon - Just in Time Every Time

Today on our cherished dog walk, the thing that was most reassuring was being reminded of Time’s healing power and Nature’s healing power. The snow that we have been walking on for the last 6 months is melting, which in itself is beautiful! And now we walk directly on the Earth’s rich soil, as plants sprout along the trails. I don’t believe I have ever been more appreciative of this. In fact, this is called “mud season” and normally the popular thing is to spend spring or summer somewhere else; a slight sense of shame filters through me for a moment because of it.

Today with the moon being full, I would usually be doing a workshop, but I have not yet adapted to virtual communication and am still learning and designing offerings. The questions that come up are the following: What are you learning in this exceptional environment at this time? What do you want to change? What steps are you taking to make that happen?

The moon will listen and reflect to you. She is reliable and non-judgmental, reflecting light, cycles, and dependability. Also, she shows us the importance of phases. The Full Moon is three days for reflection and renewal of intention; Waning Moon is letting go of anything that is no longer useful or necessary; New Moon is beginning again; Waxing Moon is building and acting towards our ultimate creative life source—creating what is needed, what we can give, and what we can gratefully receive.

It is very helpful to commune with the moon through her phases and reflect within on your beliefs, thoughts, desires, speech, and actions. This is true of all nature. She shows us the natural way of the life force, beginnings, endings, a time for everything, and everything in its natural time.

This brings to mind the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” and, of course, this is most beautifully expressed in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-13, written in 3rd Century BC. I offer this revised English version for you to read and consider this time in history, as it seems like it is a time for everything and for the choice of how you will live in this completely extraordinary time.

1. To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Earth.

2. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to harvest that which is planted;

3. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to give away;

7. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

At this time, it feels like this is a time for all of these times, all at once. Certainly not a time for blame, fear, or hatred, but an extraordinary time to be shaken to the roots and review and recapitulate your life with love and compassion. A time to be part of the solution, not the problem. A time to be safe, be well, be the solution and celebrate all life, free will, and the legacy you are now creating in this totally transformational time.

Love and Sat Nam,



The Deep and Swift Realizations of 2020

From 2002 to 2012 I wrote many poems. I never considered myself a poet and had never written a poem before. It was an intense and deep time of personal transformation on every level for me and many others. What I learned was that poem writing was a way of expressing and sorting out my thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to enable myself to think, feel and know my truth from the inside out—not to just act differently, but to truly transform, elevate and understand myself and life in ways I didn’t know existed. I published 52 of my poems as Poems from the Edge of a New Reality in 2012. It was printed as a book of poems with journal pages to encourage others to try this self-inquiry and writing method of self- discovery. 

The only poems I had written since then were for each of our granddaughters at the time of their birth, acknowledging and thanking them for coming into the world with their special gifts and messages.

About 10 days ago, I found myself writing poems again. I remembered that when life doesn’t match my beliefs or desires, poetry comes forth and demands to be written. It is a method of having an intimate inner conversation, debate, and realization. This time the belief gap is intense and unreal—a complete reversal that has seemingly happened multi-dimensionally and instantaneously. Nearly everything on every level in our personal and external worlds is transforming or non-existent.

This creeping new reality is pervasive, having no promise of ending or containment, or of any former reality reestablishing itself. Nearly everything we passionately sought after, expected, and created day-to-day is now threatened with total uncertainly and voracious efforts to conquer the thief our of known reality. I was struggling to relate to this new life. That being said, and still seeking direction, there is also this undeniable welcomed sense of freedom and feeling that this new reality opened to the creation of a much better world.

One ironic fact stands out for me; after years of reaching out to others, seeking ‘oneness’ and cultivating ‘being in the present moment’ and realizing our true identity as 'Spiritual Beings,’ we simply cannot afford NOT to be in the Sacred Present Moment and live as Sacred Spiritual Beings in order to move with this Universal transition of reality. Now consciously reassessing our values, intentions, purpose, and actions and committing to ‘being the change we want to see’. 

I would love to know how you are dealing in this new world and will be offering some online opportunities to study and share. Although we will not be physically together, we will be together within. I will let you know when the “Together Within Wednesday Wellness Gatherings” will be available after the needed technology and format is complete and ready. Please note, I continue to be available for private energy healing sessions via Zoom, Skype, phone and Face Time.

I would like to share and declare my new world reality values and commitments: To address my mind’s ability to understand right thought, and my body’s ability of self-healing, and my Soul’s ability of right use of Will. I will do this by going through the technologies of purposeful meditation, writing articles, blog posts, poetry and books as a practice of accessing and sharing truth about the interdimensional healing technologies of Energy Psychology, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, and Soul Detective Healing Protocol. I will be available virtually. I stay committed to study, practice, teach and facilitate for others extraordinary healing in the Universal Field where we are all together.

I commit to being in the Sacred Present Moment with gratitude, grace, and compassion and coming together with joyful acceptance and extraordinary creative collaboration. I invite you to join me there.

“2020 Unreality”

A creeping tsunami obliterating certainty

Challenging beliefs, thoughts and expectations

Disappearing plans, dreams and aspirations

Rendering preparedness non-existent

Creating a path of fears

A trail of tears

An avalanche of unknowing

A bridge to nothingness

And in the rubble comes painful deep knowing

Of what we could never even imagine

Inerasable, undeniable, painfully knowable

Worldwide shifting reversal of truth

In desperate need of direction and connection

I go within my mind

My internal compass is obsolete

North is south and east is west…

I go within my heart

Silence and Stillness calms me

I find connection and joyful acceptance there

And answers gently present

-Andrea Becky 3/20/2020, Poems from the Edge of A New Reality

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The Path to Joy: A Journey of Understanding, Realization and Healing

In 2002, I was prompted to begin designing, teaching and facilitating a healing journey of what I called “emotional fitness.” Little did I know that after years of helping thousands of others heal their lives from what seemed like insurmountable and hopeless situations with the Emotional Fitness Process, that this very same process would be so instrumental in this time of an unprecedented world pandemic crisis.

It took me many days to truly recognize the expanding depth and breadth and uncertainty of this pandemic; though it was a deep wisdom that guided me, my thinking was slow to unwind and to understand and work in the context of this new reality. I am sure this process will go on with deeper realizations and adaptations of higher consciousness.

I have finally reached a place of deep guidance – to let go of the beautiful past and simply move the gift of our now acceptable way of communication to contribute to healing life and living joy. I find it humorous that I criticized virtual communication as careless and impersonal and now am so grateful for the opportunity for us to be in touch, share, learn, heal and accelerate and celebrate a better future on a world scale.

All of what I offer is based on the ancient wisdom and latest scientific discoveries about how the life-force energy and information move through us; we are energy beings that, when we are able to feel our lives and bypass fear, anger, and hopelessness, are capable of everything.

I will be using my ‘Healing Source Blog’ on my website for various learning and healing techniques to help us through this exponentially transformational time. I will be combining and integrating many of the great technologies of whole health and information from other well-known and respected sources. Our goal remains the same —perfect health, deep wellbeing and expansion of limitless, unbounded true identity of elevated consciousness and choices for human excellence.

There is a wonderful technique below with suggested music to accompany it and then a very interesting video from Greg Braden who has always been at the leading edge of healing.

THE THYMUS THUMP - a sure thing emotional fitness technique and immune booster! I recommend you do this whenever you wish to intervene and eliminate any fear, anger, or hopelessness. It will move you to your genius creativity and problem-solving ability. Practice it while listening to the music “Feeling Good Today” from the children’s music album Feeling Good Today by Snatum Kaur, which also has a balancing and uplifting effect on your body, mind, and soul as you are doing it. If you have children at home, have them join you!

Please click the link to view a very interesting video from Greg Braden: 


This immunity booster is both stimulating to the immune system and calming to the nervous system— anytime, anywhere. It is called the Thymus Thump. The thymus gland regulates and balances glandular secretions. It is located under the sternum and when we tap or thump the sternum it stimulates and balances our immune and nervous systems. The Thymus Thump was created and developed by Dr. John Diamond, author of Your Body Never Lies.

Here is how to do the Thymus Thump (I can’t help but think of Tarzan here :))

  1. While smiling (smiling increases immunity), think of someone (including yourself) or something (pets, etc) you love (love increases immunity).

  2. With a closed fist, thump on the sternum with a waltz beat (three beats and repeated) while saying either “Ha Ha Ha” or “Yum Yum Yum” or the Tarzan “yodel” in time with the thumps.

  3. End with long deep breaths of relaxation and peace. Just thumping your sternum works too.

You can not do too much of this. Use it anytime, anywhere, with smiling, happy energy. Guaranteed benefits for the Body, Mind, and Soul. That’s Holistic Healing! Choose your destiny in each moment, celebrate your resilience and fortitude, and follow your intuition.

Remarkable, Extraordinary, Empowering Healing Practices for the Body, Mind and Soul

Our bodies are miraculous, self-healing, unprecedented and unequaled complexity and adaptability with known and unknown inner wisdom and abilities to create and sustain perfect health. Our minds are more complex than any known computer system. But it is our ability to choose that makes us so unique. The deepest wisdom of our Soul is becoming known to us — feeling our lives more than thinking them. Our brains develop in the way that we use the, and we are the product of our experiences, thinking, habits and beliefs.

During this unprecedented challenging time in our known history, I will be sharing Healing Practices in my “Healing Source Blog Post" series. It is a time of self-responsibility, choice, and living in and listening to our hearts, acceptance of our true power and purpose. All these practices are to encourage the realization of the resonance of excellence, passion, compassion, grace and unlimited knowing that is our true identity. It is my deepest hope and intention to provide remarkable, extraordinary, empowering opportunities for anyone that wants to accelerate and elevate their enlightenment and the joy of fearlessness, inner knowing and peace. I will always welcome your questions and/or comments.

Immune System Booster: The Inner Sun

This advanced immune therapy, which is from the practices of Kundalini yoga and meditation, hits at viruses and bacteria. (The head must be covered or else you can get a headache, and please remember to wash your hands before touching your face.) This is a kind of tantric kriya. The immune system interacts with the central nervous system, glands, and emotions.

We are each given the strength to encounter life and life's challenges. We have moral strength, mental strength, emotional strength, and physical strength. All these strengths are inter-connected. We block the flow of that strength when we experience feelings of anger, self-defeat, and blame. To boost the immune system, we must overcome these blocks.

The right hemisphere of the brain stores many of the diffuse negative emotions that lead us to depression and to a lower functioning immune system. This meditation stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and the right hemisphere to adjust themselves. In this process, you may go through various emotions as the glands start to shift their balance. That is fine. Relax and keep going until you are through the emotional inertia. Then you will feel light, energized, and hopeful.

With gradual practice, you can take the time up to 31 minutes. At that level, your whole system is cleaned and rejuvenated. The immune system will have new vigor and will not be blocked by inner conflict. This type of breathing is called the “sunbreath." Use the included audio below while doing this immune-boosting Kundalini Meditation.

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Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light Jalandhar Bandh, and with the head covered.

Mudra: Bend the left arm and raise the hand up to the shoulder level. The palm faces forward. The forearm is perpendicular to the ground. Make Surya Mudra with the left hand (touch the tip of the ring finger to the tip of the thumb). The mudra of the left hand may slip during practice; keep it steady. Make a fist of the right hand, pressing the tips of the fingers into the pads at the base of the fingers; extend the index finger. With the extended index finger, gently close off the right nostril.

Focus: Concentrate at the Brow Point.

Breath: Begin a steady, powerful Breath of Fire. Emphasize the beat at the navel; the navel must move. The Breath of Fire is equal strokes in and out the nose with the belly button pulled in on the exhale. If you are a woman on your moon cycle, use long deep breathing during the first couple of days. Otherwise use the Breath of Fire.

Mantra: For the proper rhythm of the Breath of Fire, please use the supplied mp3-Hummie Hum

Time: Continue for 3 minutes. Very gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.

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To End: Inhale deeply and hold the breath. As the breath is held, interlace all the fingers (beginning with the right thumb uppermost) and put the palms in front at a level just below the throat (in front of the thymus), and about 14 inches (35 cm) away from the body. Try to pull the fingers apart with all force. Resist and create great tension. When you must, exhale. Repeat this sequence 3 more times. On the last exhale, discharge the breath by blowing through your upturned lips, with the tongue curled back on the roof of the mouth. This will seal the upper palate upward. Then take time to relax and integrate by simply sitting and observing.

©2008 The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Secrets to Making the Most of Every Day

“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present."   -Roy T. Bennett


I created a guide using some of my favorite strategies for living a life of love and gratitude to make every day extra special, and I wish to share this with you here.

First, take at least the three moments below with yourself every day.

Number 1: Be present and grateful - I love what Eckhart Tolle said about this: "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life."

Number 2: Advice from Carlos Castenada: "Take time in the evening to recapitulate your day, forgive and be thankful. And then, plan and imagine the next day in terms of what you want to achieve, create and feel."

Number 3: Take time upon awakening in the morning to be in gratitude and silence/nature/meditation and set your intentions for the day.

For challenges during your day, use the guidance of the Aquarian Wisdom Sutras below:

Number 1: Understand through compassion, otherwise, you will misunderstand the times.

Number 2: Recognize the other person is just like some part of you.

Number 3: When the time is upon you, start and the pressure will be off.

Number 4: There's a way through every block.

Number 5: Vibrate the cosmos; the cosmos shall clear the path for you.

Try any of these suggestions and notice the expansion of time, joy and peace within.

Experience every day. Plan, imagine, love and live it.

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Ask Andrea: Relationships

I don’t have good relationships and often feel misunderstood. Can energy healing help with that?

Yes, because energy healing helps you know yourself at a deep level and realize that happiness begins and ends with you. If your state of being is one of feeling unfulfilled and misunderstood, energy healing methods will help you understand that you must be happy with your relationship with yourself and understand yourself before you will be able to receive and enjoy happiness and understanding from others. There are volumes written about relationships and understanding them and many offer some good advice, but I have found that the energetic approach is the only one that offers true, lasting and deep relationship help.

We begin with how you relate to yourself and go from there. The anatomy of relationships and communication is based on an honest exchange of feelings, ideas and goals and this creates love, vulnerability and authenticity. All of this takes place in the space between you and others but your experience begins with you. Self inquiry helps with questions like, “What is my state of being right now?” “How do I misunderstand myself?” “How can I make my relationship with myself better?” “Am I putting my authentic self into my relationship?”

In energy healing, we begin by releasing any negative thoughts or beliefs or misunderstandings about ourselves. We then use methods to begin to understand ourselves at a compassionate and loving level. Then our energetic communication (body language/intentions) becomes authentic and loving and compassionate. We have then taken responsibility for our part in all relationships we wish to have and they are fulfilling, meaningful and have deep purpose and gratitude. Please refer to my book, Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy (pgs.138-152) for more learning and exercises for great relationships and communication.

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Ask Andrea: Distress and Ill Health

“What would you say is one of the main core causes of distress and ill health?"

This may surprise you, but I would say dehydration. It is imperative to stay hydrated to avoid dehydration. This sounds so simple, but most problems including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and environmental can be traced to dehydration. Also, energy healing works so much better if we are hydrated. Our miraculous bodies, minds and spirits depend on proper hydration to carry out the trillions of self healing processes happening in each moment. All of these natural functions are interdependent and activated automatically by our body’s intrinsic wisdom.

If we are dehydrated, we are under avoidable stress and the self-healing functions must transfer energy towards survival instead of maintaining optimum health. Dehydration leads to other debilitating attacks on our natural self healing functions. Such attacks include lack of or inadequate sleep, impaired lymph drainage, impaired blood circulation, poor digestion, confused thinking, inadequate processing and release of toxins, imbalanced glandular secretions, joint pain, and the list goes on and on.

In the East Indian health and healing science of Ayurveda, these signals from the body are considered the first stage of a disease which is called Accumulation. The next stages are Aggravation, Dissemination, Localization, Manifestation and Chronicity or Disruption. This is an argument for living a life of finite balance and prevention and putting early attention on any feelings of discomfort with the intention of balancing. This is a continual dynamic process and proper hydration is the first step to being successful. Being consciously hydrated helps put your attention on your well being and reduces stress and the progression of any health problems.

Please refer to my book Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy (pgs. 54-55) for recommendations and resources about hydration.

Ask Andrea: Bad Choices

How can energy healing help me stop making bad choices?

The holistic and energetic field can and does help with this problem. This is part of the addictive energy dynamic. We know there are better choices but continue with the worst choices and suffer the consequences of bad health, unhappiness, guilt and feeling bad about ourselves. This can lead to devastating effects on our health, lives and the lives of others.

In my book, Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, I introduce the concept of Choice Point – that critical moment when we consciously or unconsciously make a choice which may be a “good” choice or a “bad” choice or a somewhat neutral choice. Choice Point is different from a Trigger in that it offers us time to feel and know what the best choice would be. What we think, do, or say in that moment triggers the consequences of our thoughts, speech and/or actions leading to that decision. That instant creates our life and our future. We make choices from our state of being. If we are needy, unhappy or have a poor vision or ourselves, we tend to look outside of ourselves to get our needs met, be happy or make ourselves feel better. It is a vicious cycle and usually ends up being devastating or at best disappointing and damaging.

To break that cycle, we need to look at our thinking, our view of ourselves and plan ahead for the opportunity Choice Point offers. This is exactly what energy healing helps us to do. Our limiting or negative beliefs are identified and eliminated and our true identity is revealed to us. From that state of being, your choices are better and your life changes in ways that you wish it to. Please refer to page 5 and 6 in my book for more information about Choice Point.

Ask Andrea: Intuition

What is the difference between intuition and imagination?

Imagination is inspired and developed from what we already know or observe. Scientific inquiry helps us to learn through deduction answers we seek. We are somewhat bound to what we already know and expand our understanding of it through creativity and research. Intuition, however, is a “felt sense,” a “hunch,” or “a gut feeling” and doesn’t rely on what we already know. In fact, information coming from intuition or intuitive sources can actually contradict what we “know.” Most of the time, the rational mind will override the intuitive sense of truth due to lack of experience with intuitive knowledge, preconceived ideas of reality and the life process, and/or lack trust in “the unknown” source of the information. But intuition’s partner is the heart and the heart knows truth.

Becoming more intuitive and/or expanding your intuitive abilities is a courageous and important process. It raises our conscious awareness of possibilities instead of probabilities. It expands our self--identity from a body, mind and spirit to the understanding that we are energy beings experiencing life. Intuition is the voice of great knowing, trust, and confidence in the ability to access the “unknown.” To increase your intuitive abilities, consider all possibilities in any situation. Spend time in meditation, in nature, self-inquiry and journaling. Pay attention to “coincidences” and drop judgment as much as you possibly can.

I share my story of the joy of acknowledging intuitive abilities and gifts throughout my book, Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy.

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Ask Andrea: Scientific Findings

What are the latest scientific findings that support the energetic approach to life?

There have been many in recent years. It’s been a little like finding out the world is not flat. For example, we thought the brain was pre-determined and static and now we know that the brain is “neuroplastic”. It actually develops according to how we use it. The implications of that are profound. We have known for a long time that meditation is very beneficial for calming the mind and bringing brain hemispheric coherence. 

Scientists are unable to find a beginning or end to matter and now the atom and electrons and protons and neutrons are no longer the smallest bits of matter…particles are now the smallest known parts of matter and they are more like light than matter as we have know it. Scientists have also be able to track the effects of group and world meditations on the Earths energy aura. There is much more acknowledgement of the universal energy as being the “glue” of the Universe. 

Also we have discovered that how we think and act actually can change our DNA – another discovery with profound implications. Why this is important is that “spiritual practices” such as prayer, yoga, meditation and self inquiry actually do change us in ways we desire and reveal and connect us to our true identity as energy and light beings. Science Spirituality are no longer at opposite ends of the spectrum of understanding the world and ourselves. Throughout my book, Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, I share my personal story and experiences that have led me to this healing work being able to benefit by the amazing times in which we live.

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A Love Story: The Ever Evolving Emotional Fitness Retreat

Timely, compelling, extraordinary, multidimensional, empowering and sustainable healing on all levels of being.

At an extremely deep and meaningful time of transformation and self realization in my own life over 17 years ago, the concept of an extraordinary opportunity came into being.  I desired to create a truly transformational and complete experience for others that would result in deep energetic healing, the discovery and empowerment of the true self, and the joy of successfully creating and living a life of meaning and purpose that I was experiencing. I knew the retreat format was the best way to do that. I knew it needed to be multidimensional and multicultural in its nature and include the amazing leading edge scientific discoveries and knowledge about the human energy field, the brain, the mind and human behavior. I had been given so many gifts of intuition and access to the unknown. I had the great fortune of studying, practicing and teaching holistic healing, and so many opportunities to travel and experience many other healing methods of other cultures, and I was deeply aware that my life was to be about sharing my gifts, my experiences and this knowledge.

I was hiking in Snow Canyon State Park in Ivins Utah, which is magical and transformational in and of its self. It is where Red Mountain Resort is situated and where I would stay often for renewal.  Inspired and elevated as I always am there, the location and name of the retreat came to me. I knew I wanted most of the retreat to be in nature; what better place than this?! Also, I was asking what is the best indicator of whether my life was going well or not, and undeniably it was my emotional state - emotional fitness; what better name!?  I knew the retreat had to be experiential to be the most effective. Because of my background in Psychology, Spiritual Sciences, Communication Sciences and Comprehensive Holistic Healing along with my Intuitive Gifts, I knew that the experience is how we learn and the experiential nature of emotional energy is a bridge from the known to the unknown, a messenger, the doorway to the source of joy and/or sorrow —the path to transformation.  Hence, the birth of the ever-evolving Emotional Fitness Retreat at Red Mountain Resort began.

In 2002, I began this work in two-hour evening sessions for 5 days and private consultations. This evolved into the current form of a 5 day and 4 night immersion retreat which has proven to be the ideal amount of time. I knew it needed to be a small retreat to assure personal and group success. At the same time I was driven to reach as many people as I could so I authored my second book, Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy - a comprehensive holistic healing guide and handbook to share understandings and experiences with others of what the amazing ancient healing wisdom and the many incredible new scientific discoveries reveal. It is about acquiring knowledge you don’t know that you need to know to be whole. It is about awareness that unfolds what you don’t know to ask for and have not experienced. It is about experiencing the truth that changes your truth. It is about the experience of sustainable transformation and living authentically with Grace and Ease.  I gift my book to retreat participants as a reference and a companion for the path to conscious awareness and ability to heal anything.

There is no pre-requisite for the retreat except an open inquisitive mind and the passion to know your true self and confidently live your best joyful and purposeful life.  I plan the retreat itinerary with the deep understanding and commitment to the sustainable transformational process. We begin with intention and desire to bring clarity and identifying the blocks and misunderstandings and painful emotions that are keeping us from our best life.  We do one-on-one consultations to address and heal specific personal issues. Most of our sessions are outside using nature as a mirror. We hike in Snow Canyon and the red rock desert of the area. We practice Kundalini Yoga – the Yoga of transformation. We experience powerful meditations and learning sessions about the little known methods and modalities of Holistic Energy Healing - especially Energy Psychology. Because we are multidimensional beings, we venture into other dimensions. As a group we create a healing resonance that is undeniably powerful and supportive.  We use multicultural practices of fire ceremony, spiral walk and dancing to enhance our progress, our understandings and breakthroughs. We laugh, we cry and we celebrate!

The equally comprehensive and complete offerings of Red Mountain Resort, as a leader in destination resorts, support the experiential depth and breadth of the extraordinary Emotional Fitness Retreat experience. The nurturing environment, nutritious food and endless possibilities for activities, spa treatments, community, solitude in nature and the healing nature of the beautiful red rock high desert could not be a better fit. It is a magical combination.

Also, I have a great deal of hope for the success of humanity and I must confess that one of the reasons I continue this work is selfish, for when one of us heals, we all heal and elevate our consciousness.  It is truly something to rejoice! And we do!

In gratitude for you and thank you for reading,

Andrea Becky Hanson

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