Things Will Change for the Better…If
It’s utterly impossible for me to build my life in a foundation of chaos, suffering, and death. I see the world as slowly being transformed into a wilderness; I hear that approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too. I hear the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better.
—Anne Frank
As people of the world, we have been catapulted into pure potentiality. All bets are off and everything we think, imagine, and do will never be the same. In this context, many feel lost, but only we individually and collectively can create a better world through heightened awareness, elevated thought, and courage.
Only if we can refrain from wanting to be in the past, wanting what we once had, suffering in trauma, anger, grief, helplessness over what has happened, will we be able to have things change for the better.
Only if we can be clear about our intentions, where we put out attention, and how our actions support our deepest dreams or not will we be able to see things change for the better.
Only if we can realize our limitlessness creative nature and the importance of self-responsibility will we be able to re-create ourselves and our lives for the better—maybe the life you have always wanted.
Only if each of us takes the opportunity to start anew in every aspect of our lives will things change for the better.
How can we do this in this crazy upside-down world with so much misinformation and lack of information, uncertainty, hatred, power-mongering, and so much death and trauma? Only if we step into co-creation with the Life Source/Creator/aka God. Here are 5 stepping stones to get started.
Begin to Create the Context of Your New Life in this New World
1. Spend time in prayer, meditation, yoga, and other activities and in nature—allow this to inform you. Express with writing, art, music, and dance.
2. Refocus your attention; it is the first universal law of energy that “where you put your attention becomes alive.” First, move your attention to your Heart Center—close your eyes, be still, and listen. Your heart knows your truth, what you deeply desire, and what is the right action in each moment. Your heart and soul know who you are and why you are here. This is where you go for facts. Ask your heart, not your conditioned mind, any yes or no question, and be still and listen. You will get/feel a clear “yes” or a “no.” Your mind would want to have a debate.
3. Make a list of your top 5 values/qualities of life—the values/qualities of life that are a must for the new life you desire.
4. Make a list of your 5 clear intentions for your “new life”. The second law of energy is “your intentions (conscious or unconscious) are the force of what you will create.” What are your clear intentions for how you want your life to be in all areas of your life? Step into your life with your personal power and determination not to settle in any way. Of course, this is done with grace and ease.
5. Dare to be the bold and positive and creative you. Remember, what you think is what creates your reality. What you think and do must match your values and your intentions. Honor your knowingness and courage. Only you are in charge of you. You do not need anyone to agree with you. Of course, this is done with deep commitment, discernment, and charm.
With Love and Sat Nam,