Commonly ask questions about energy healing
What is energy healing and how does it work?
Energy Healing is based on recognizing the underlying life energy that universally permeates all life. Most cultures have a name for this energy. The most well known in the western world is the Chinese word Chi (vital energy) and the East Indian word Prana (lifeforce energy). Energy healing also depends on the understanding that this life energy must be able to flow freely in specific directions and frequencies or we will suffer from a myriad of problems and distress. We have a complete and elaborate energy system to access and interact with the Universal life energy. The components of this system are Chakras (power centers), Meridians (energy channels), and Biofield (individual unique layered field of energy). Another Important understanding is that we are all one connected field of energy. Healing energetically affects literally all life. By healing ourselves, we help heal others. All reputable effective energy healing approaches achieve four basic goals: (1) Determine the energetic origin of the distress. (2) Release the energy interruption in the energy system. (3) Re-establish correct flow and balance of the Universal energy. (4) Address negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with affirmative self-perception and identity for sustainable healing.
There are literally hundreds of energy healing methods. Please consult my book Light Through the Keyhole – The Power to Heal life and live Joy for an extensive descriptive categorization of over 180 different methods (pgs. 27-29) for a deeper understanding of energy healing choices.
If you could use only one energy healing method, what would it be?
Pranayam: Conscious use of breath. This ancient healing practice offers limitless choices and extraordinary benefits. One of the best things about it is you can practice anywhere, anytime because all you need is your intention, attention and breath. Each state of being has what is called a breath signature. For example, depression is characterized by slow, shallow almost nonexistent breath. Anxiety, on the other hand, produces fast shallow breathlessness. Tranquility and peacefulness brings a smooth satisfying breath. Pranayam presents the opportunity to consciously change or choose your state of being. There are literally hundreds of different methods of breathing to experience hundreds different of states of being and awareness such as physical relaxation, limitlessness, an open heart, forgiveness, exhilaration, cleansing, improved aerobic capacity, deep meditation, mental clarity, calming emotions, eliminating addictions…and on and on. Briefly, here is one of the most well-known and practiced pranayama. It should be practiced at least 3 minutes to experience the benefits and shift in energy. Long deep breathing – focusing on the breath, breathing slowly through the nose inhaling and exhaling deeply for relaxation and stress release.
For more information and leading Pranayam Practices, please refer to the Pranayam section of my book Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, (pgs. 211-221).
What is the most amazing energy healing you have ever seen or experienced?
There are so many I can’t single one out for they are all phenomenal in their own way. What however I can add is this – energy healing seems magical because it uncovers knowledge and information that we are not consciously aware of. It informs us of our unconscious and conditional limiting thoughts and beliefs that keep us stuck. It also reveals to us our true identity of limitlessness, pure creativity, unique and important value and purpose. Energy healing opens up worlds of possibilities, realizations of who we already are and enables us to think, dream and act in ways we not only were unaware of but thought impossible. It shows us what we were in denial about and that includes our own birthright of happiness and joy. Also, it gives understanding that there is nothing we need that we don’t already have within us. These are the most amazing things about energy healing benefits and effects. It opens the world of understanding universal and individual energy and bringing it all together. This is why I wrote my book all about Holistic Energy Healing Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy. I want everyone possible to know, learn, practice and integrate into their lives what I consider to be the very bright and present future of world health care.
Is Yoga a type of energy healing?
Absolutely. Yogic practices comes from the same ancient wisdom that is the basis of energy healing. The knowledge that we are energy beings, infinite in our true nature and that how we think, move and breath affects our entire being. Yoga practices brings cleansing, balance, flexibility and strength to the body. Creates a clear and discerning mind and reveals our spiritual nature as well. I personally subscribe to Kundalini Yoga and Meditation because every aspect of the teaching is energetically based and all teachings have been preserved and expanded on that basis. Kundalini is the name for your individual Soul expression energy and is particularly elevated and strengthened through the practice. All aspects of the teachings are included in the practice and include, asanas/position/movement, pranayama/conscious breath, sound/chanting/mantra/music, meditation. There are hundreds of sets/kriyas and meditation and they are energetically correct and prescriptive. What I mean by that is that they are designed for a specific effect such as sets for elevation of the spirit, for glandular health, for strengthening the nervous system, for experiencing infinity, for fearlessness, overcoming addictions, and on and on. It is the most comprehensive and limitless modality for healing that I am aware of. Please refer to the section in my book on Meditation (pg. 124), Yoga in general (pg. 134) and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation (pgs. 202-210).
Is there good and bad energy?
Everything is energy /frequency /vibration /flow…Everything! Energy, in and of itself is not good or bad. It is the intention behind or the misuse of the energy that makes it correct or incorrect. Words, thoughts, emotions, ideas and actions all are energy. If they originate from the state of love and compassion they appear to be “good”, helpful, positive and kind. If they originate out of the state of hate and fear, they appear to be “bad”, negative, damaging and hurtful. Intention drives energy. There is really no bad energy except stuck energy. Acting out judgement, fear, blaming anger, resentment, are examples of sticky energies. Offering acceptance, forgiveness, love and joy are flowing energies. In addition, we draw the energy of our current state of being. Universal energy has an electromagnetic quality. If we are angry and resentful, we draw it. If we are loving, kind and accepting, we draw that. This is what is meant by free will. We have the ability to choose. Although we may be in denial, we know at some level when we are in or dealing with negative energy. It is up to us to change it or move away from it. Energy healing modalities, particularly Energy Psychology, are helpful here when we can’t seem to find our way. For more information and instruction about Energy Psychology, methods, please refer to my book, Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, (pg. 55 and pgs. 153-160).
What can be healed by Energy Medicine?
Theoretically anything. Scientifically speaking because of the nature of the work and the hundreds of methods of healing and the fact that it defies traditional healing and research practices, the “scientific proof” is scant. However, I have been involved in multi-cultural, multidimensional and holistic energy healing for over 40 years, and I have personally witnessed hundreds of healings of all kinds including my own on all levels of being, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual relationships and social. I have also conducted single study research showing improvement and success in health and wellbeing goals. Areas that energy work is particularly effective and helpful are releasing and resolving negativity, limiting beliefs, poor self esteem, fear, depression, addiction, anxiety, skewed thinking, trauma of all sorts, circular thinking, phobias just to name a few. Often energy healing works when nothing else has. Our basic nature is one of peace, joy, well being and purpose. If we find ourselves suffering and unhappy, it is ultimately due to interruptions and blocks in our energy systems. Credible energy work reveals and resolves the origins of our suffering and reestablishes the correct flow and direction of our energy. Then we are able to go on clearly and with defined purpose and peace. For a better understanding of all the aspects involved in energy healing, please refer to my comprehensive book about Holistic Energy Healing, Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy.
What is Ayurveda and is that Energy Healing?
Ayurveda is the ancient (6,000 years old) comprehensive and amazing health and healing system of East India. It is based on natural cycles and the belief that we are unsurpassed, self-healing instruments. Ayurveda is a holistic approach meaning that the whole self is considered in terms of diagnosis of discomfort, disease or disorders and that no part is considered with our consideration of how it relates and interacts with the whole. The premise is that all is one and all is interrelated. The goal is to determine what is out of balance and bring it into balance to achieve harmony, optimum health and well-being. Ayurveda is largely preventative medicine in that it seeks to maintain balance at the most sensitive levels. Patients of Ayurvedic doctors pay the doctor to keep them well by treating the most minor ailments and bring balance. This is done on many levels and in many ways. Through extensive assessment, recommended diet and habits that are individually designed for your unique mind/body constitution. Treatment can also include, herbal remedies, Vedic astrological and numerological readings, gem stone healing, fasting and cleansing, massage and many more possibilities. Ayurveda is energy healing by its very basis of natural remedies and treatment for attunement to natural energetic cycles. This incredible science is self-informing, self-empowering healing system and I highly recommend studying it if you haven’t and if it draws you. Please refer to my book Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy (pgs. 190-201) for further introduction and study of the basics of Ayurveda.
What are the latest scientific findings that support the energetic approach to life?
There have been many in recent years. It’s been a little like finding out the world is not flat. For example, we thought the brain was pre-determined and static and now we know that the brain is “neuroplastic”. It actually develops according to how we use it. The implications of that are profound. We have known for a long time that meditation is very beneficial for calming the mind and bringing brain hemispheric coherence. Scientists are unable to find a beginning or end to matter and now the atom and electrons and protons and neutrons are no longer the smallest bits of matters…particles are now the smallest known parts of matter and they are more like light than matter as we have known it. Scientists have also been able to track the effects of group and world meditation on the Earth’s energy aura. There is much more acknowledgement of the universal energy as being the “glue” of the Universe. Also we have discovered that how we think and act actually can change our DNA –another discovery with profound implications. Why this is important is that “spiritual practices” such as prayer, yoga, meditation and self inquiry actually do change us in ways we desire and reveal and connect us to our opposite ends of the spectrum of understanding the world and ourselves. Throughout my book Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, I share my personal story and experiences that have led me to this healing work being able to benefit by the amazing times in which we live.
What is the difference between intuition and imagination?
Imagination is inspired and developed from what we already know or observe. Scientific inquiry helps us to learn through deduction answers we seek. We are somewhat bound to what we already know and expand our understanding of it through creativity and research. Intuition however, is a “felt sense”, a “hunch”, “a gut feeling” and doesn’t rely on what we already know. In fact information coming from intuition or intuitive sources can actually contradict what we “know”. Most of the time, the rational mind will override the intuitive sense of truth due to lack of experience with intuitive knowledge, pre-conceived ideas of reality and the life process, and/or lack trust in “the unknown” source of the information. But intuition’s partner is the heart and the heart knows truth. Becoming more intuitive and/or expanding your intuitive abilities is a courageous and important process. It raises our conscious awareness of possibilities instead of probabilities. It expands our self-identity from a body, mind and spirit to the understanding that we are energy beings experiencing life. Intuition is the voice of great knowing and trust and confidence in the ability to access the “unknown”. To increase your intuitive abilities, consider all possibilities in any situation. Spend time in meditation, in nature, self-inquiry and journaling. Pay attention to “coincidences” and drop judgment as much as you possibly can. I share my story of the joy of acknowledging intuitive abilities and gifts throughout my book, Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy.
What would you say is one of the main core causes of distress and ill health?
This may surprise you, but I would say dehydration. It is imperative to stay hydrated or otherwise said, avoid dehydration. This sounds so simple, but most problems including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and environmental can be traced to dehydration. Also, energy healing works so much better if we are hydrated. Our miraculous bodies, minds and spirits depend on proper hydration to carry out the trillions of self-healing processes happening in each moment. All of these natural functions are interdependent and activated automatically by bodies intrinsic wisdom. If we are dehydrated, we are under avoidable stress and the self-healing functions must transfer energy towards survival instead of maintaining optimum health. Dehydration leads to other debilitating attacks on natural self-healing functions. Lack of or inadequate sleep, impaired lymph drainage, impaired blood circulation, poor digestion, confused thinking, inadequate processing and release of toxins, imbalanced glandular secretions, joint pain, and the list goes on and on. In the East Indian health and healing science of Ayurveda, theses signals from the body are considered the first stage of disease which is called Accumulation. The next stages are Aggravation, Dissemination, localization, Manifestation and Chronicity or Disruption. This is an argument for living a life of finite balance and prevention and putting early attention on any feelings of discomfort with the intention of balancing. This is a continual dynamic process and proper hydration is the first step to being successful. Being consciously hydrated helps your attention on your well being and reduces stress and the progression of any health problems. Please refer to my book Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy (pgs. 54-55) for recommendations and resources about hydration.
How can energy healing help me stop making bad choices?
The holistic and energetic can and does help with this problem. This is part of the addictive energy dynamic. We know there are better choices, but continue with the worse choices and suffer the consequences of bad health, unhappiness, guilt and feeling bad about ourselves. This can lead to devastating effects on our health, lives and the lives of others. In my book, Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy, I introduce the concept of Choice Point – That’s critical moment when we consciously or unconsciously make a choice which may be a “good” choice or a “bad” choice or a somewhat neutral choice. Choice Point is different from a Trigger in that it offers us time to feel and know what the best choice would be. What we think, do, or say in that moment triggers the consequences of our thoughts, speech and/or actions leading to that decision. That instant creates our life and our future. We make choices from our state of being. If we are needy, unhappy or have a poor vision of ourselves, we tend to look outside of ourselves to get our needs met, be happy or make ourselves feel better. It is a vicious cycle and usually ends up being devastating or at best disappointing and damaging. To break the cycle, we need to look at our thinking, our view of ourselves and plan ahead for the opportunity Choice Point offers. This is exactly what energy healing helps us to do. Our limiting or negative beliefs are identified and eliminated and our true identity is revealed to us. From that state of being, your choices are necessarily better and your life changes in ways that you wish it to. Please refer to pg. 5 and pg. 6 in my book for more information about Choice Point.
I don’t have good relationships and feel misunderstood often. Can energy healing help with that?
Yes! Because energy healing helps you know yourself at a deep level and realize that happiness begins and ends with you. If your state of being is one of feeling unfulfilled and misunderstood, energy healing methods will help you understand that you must be happy with your relationship with yourself and understand yourself before you will be able to receive and enjoy happiness and understanding from others. There are volumes written about relationship and understand some offer some good advice, but I have found that the energetic approach is the only one that offers true, lasting and deep relationship. So we being with how you relate to yourself and go from there. The anatomy of relationship and communication is based on honest exchange of feelings, ideas and goals and this creates love, vulnerability and authenticity. All this takes place in the space between you and others but your experience begins with you. Self inquiry helps with questions like “What is my state of being right now?” “How do I misunderstand myself?” “How can I make my relationship with myself better?” “Am I putting my authentic self into my relationship?”. In energy healing, we begin by releasing any negative thoughts or beliefs or misunderstandings about ourselves. We then uses methods to being to understand ourselves at a compassionate and loving level. Then our energetic communication (body language/intentions) becomes authentic and loving and compassionate. We have then taken responsibility for our part in all relationships we wish to have and they are fulfilling, meaningful and have deep purpose and gratitude. Please refer to my book, Light Through the Keyhole –The Power to Heal Life and Live Joy (pgs. 138-152) for more learning and exercises for great relationships and communication.
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