“I am grateful for the sharing of experiences and results of this work.”
“I am blessed to have this life of healing and helping guided by Source.”
-Andrea Becky Hanson
I just had to let you know how much I appreciate you as a friend, spiritual teacher, advisor, mentor…The work you do is so special, personalized, comprehensive and pure. My Soul and Spirit respond so strongly to it. I am deeply grateful to have you in my life and in my corner! I know as long as we are on this Earth, and maybe after, we will be connected.
-Kirsten K. Florida
Our private consultations have been the absolute best and most comprehensive healing and spiritual learning I have ever experienced. And studying your book helps me be and practice the higher consciousness yor explain as our birthright. I really never thought this joyous live would be my life. Thank you is not sufficient…Bless you for blessing me with your willingness to share your gifts and experience and knowing in such a gentle and effective, and empowering way. Thank you for coaching my Soul.
In love and appreciation
-Margaret. M. NY
I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up for the emotional fitness retreat, but didn't even imagine that my long-time, annoying patterns of addiction and depression could be released and resolved so quickly. I didn’t know that I could learn empowering tools to maintain my new confidence and trust in myself. That is exactly what happened for me and I am still amazed and fell I have a new understanding of myself and a new lease on life. Thank you, Andrea!
-B. Baker, Ohio
Just wanted to send my appreciation for you…on my way to work this morning I listened to our private consultation and was overwhelmed with gratitude to realize how far I have come. I actually did the affirmations while driving and clapped my hands to rid myself of residual energy not serving my highest and best. I am beyond grateful to feel differently and move forward with more confidence every day. Just wanted to let you know what a blessing you are to me.
- P.T. Arizona
My experience at Red Mountain was extremely beneficial for me. The setting of the resort is so spiritual, and I've talked nonstop about what a transformation I felt after being in your retreat and having you show me the tools to release some of the negative baggage I have been carrying around for decades. I feel free!
- L. Parker, Canada
What a memorable and powerful experience we had together. I have such a little flutter of joy in my heart after the retreat. It's like nothing I've really experienced before. Thanks Andrea - you have been a really incredible teacher at this time in my life. Thanks everyone - you all made the experience so powerful and meaningful in your own way. I’m so grateful for everyone in the retreat.
- M. T. Utah
The Emotional Fitness retreat was life changing for us both. The work we did with you has been transforming and we had not experienced anything like this to date. It has made a huge difference in our relationship and the anxiety is gone. It's fabulous! We are having so much fun. I can't describe how wonderful it is. You are a tremendous instrument for the expansion of Divine Consciousness. Thank you for using your gifts to help others. - A. and M. Portland, Oregon
Andrea, you are such a powerful healer and you have played a pivotal role in my healing process. From the first time I met you at one of your fantastic retreats at Red Mountain and continued to work with you, you have helped me heal past traumas and grow in my awareness of who I really am. Thank you for your kind heart, knowledge and powerful intuitive connection these were keys that opened me to my continued freedom and healing. Thank You - K.G. Florida
Thank you for helping me understand who I really am and that I can have the life I desire. So many good things have happened, and I have had so many realizations since you opened the doors to energy healing and yoga and meditation for me. I feel I have a more solid foundation to live my life in a more purposeful way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Andrea.
- R. Steiner, New York
"I have suffered from poor health my entire life. Now I really understand the connection to spiritual and emotional health. I feel better than I have for years and years and actually feel I can be a healthy and happy person...my true identity! My heartfelt gratitude to you Andrea for sharing your gifts of healing.
-MM Vermont
I so appreciated your words from your e-mail... "remember the resonance is within you and radiates to and from you..."This is something I have known "in my head"...now that knowing vibrates throughout my entire being ...Since returning home I have been experiencing a deep peace...especially with respect to my mother's upcoming surgery next week. How powerful it is to know of the assistance of the Council...Thank-you for the gentle correction from my initial request of asking for " support" to asking for "assistance." One of my continuing life lessons is to be able to ask for help when I needed it most... (That important journey continues....) Andrea, you are a gifted teacher and compassionate healer...I am grateful for being open to receive. -Sat Nam, Kris (Infinite Ocean)
I think of you every time I start to meditate. So, I am sending you this message to u an e-mail to express my gratitude. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to focus. I've been wanting to do this for a long time. I guess I was a bit embarrassed. I have to tell you that I had a life changing experience at the retreat. My life has changed so much. All for the good. It's hard to believe that yoga and meditation can change a person’s life. I expected events is so different. I learned so much at the retreat. A lot of things connected for me… things made sense. How can one week be life altering. I guess I was also waiting to see if it would last before writing to you. It has! And for that I am eternally grateful. I am doing 100% better. I am no longer living a reactive life. My family benefits from that. I have stability they can count on. My husband has tried to entangled me in our old habits, to no success! My youngest Boy is totally into yoga and meditating. I found a kids Kundalini yoga for him. He loves it. He loves to sing the chants. the breath of fire is still his favorite. I've also been able to share this with my parents. When they came to visit I received a call from a Kundalini instructor who speaks Spanish. So, I scheduled for a private class. They were so scared to go. They loved it. The teacher is going to help them find a Spanish instructor where they live. So I've been able to share this with the people I love the most. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I have so much gratitude for you as my first teacher.
-Love, Janet, CA
I feel like I was in prison for being wrongly accused for what I didn’t do and I have been set free. I swear to God I feel like I just got out of prison and I am so hopeful and feel so much better than what was peaking for me in terms of such despair and feeling so stuck. Thank you so much…Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. And, now I want I want your help regarding two other issues in my life. I usually don’t ask for help because I don’t think anyone is as intuitive as I am, but you can see what I can’t see and I am so relieved to have you on the planet!.
- Love and Blessings, Nancy
I feel better than I ever have in my whole adult life and I owe it to Andrea and The Emotional Fitness Techniques. It really is amazing to me. After such long-term ingrained habits and patterns I am free to respond in the way I only imagined I could in the past. I feel like a new person with a new hopeful and joyous life."
-Joseph, CA
October 28 at 9:47am I do heart rubs…and tell myself that I love and accept myself unconditionally...I release my fear...I release my worry...one of the many things I brought back from Omega Institute and working with Andrea Becky Hanson...she is a beautiful soul! Thank you, for the consultation, book, and meditation. I have to say that I felt extra happy the entire weekend. Even my husband commented on it a couple of times.
I am eager to see what my life will bring. I will keep you posted. I think it’s wonderful that you can do what you do, and I am excited I was able to be a part of it. Thank you again, Andrea.
- Iwona