Evolve Dramatically
Have you noticed it is becoming even more important to step up personal evolution to deal with the times in which we find ourselves? We may think of evolution as "survival of the fittest" and it is that; however, there is a much deeper understanding needed. It is no longer a matter of competition. We are being asked now to evolve holistically in all areas of our lives, physically, mentally, intellectually, psychologically, spiritually, culturally, environmentally, globally and Galactically!
Flight or fight or freeze used to be our only level of response. But now we must accelerate the development of all levels of being and realize that evolution is a matter of cooperation and collaboration, not competition.
In our mega data world, it can easily be overwhelming.
Many of our long-held beliefs, tried and true coping skills and defense mechanisms are outdated and weak as we find ourselves up against the very high bar of human excellence required to meet and solve our personal, family, societal, and global challenges.
The very good news is that our consciousness has expanded exponentially and there are many amazing new scientific understandings and effective, amazing energy-based techniques available to us to dramatically accelerate our evolution on all levels. Here are seven ways you can set dramatic evolution in motion for yourself.
Choose to do something amazing every day!
Commit to accelerated personal evolution on all levels - just the intention puts that in motion.
Expand your knowledge and experience of energy psychology and energy medicine and the holistic approach.
Overtly enhance or begin your committed spiritual practice such as Meditation, Yoga, Chanting, Pranayam, Spiritual Studies, Self Inquire, Journaling, Energy Work, and the likes. The wonderful new scientific findings fully support that these practices lead to sustainable transformation.
Omit negativity, addiction, and confusion from your speech, thoughts, and deeds; negative emotions will dissolve.
Seek to surround yourself with a nurturing environment and as many expansive thinkers and like minds and souls that you can.
Every day be clear about what you desire—be consistent; you are either moving towards your desired future or away from it. There is no neutral.
And remember, do it all with grace, ease, and excellence.
Sat Nam,