If there was ever a most potent time for self-responsibility, discernment, creativity, and "felt" decisions, it most certainly must be now— a time of great challenge on every level and time for continual, recurring reviewing of thinking, planning, living, and loving! In spite of all the hopeless attempts to return to "normal", we are forced to adapt, not to a new normal, but a continually changing normal. This challenges us in the basics of our creativity:
Remember, this is the nature of the Universe:
1 -Our perception determines our reality...
2 - Where we put our attention becomes enlivened...
3 - Our intention drives the outcome of any endeavor...
4 - We are powerful beyond our comprehension...
5 - As human beings of energy and light, we are being strongly prompted to evolve and explore our highest awareness and consciousness.
We will never return to the old comfortable perceived normal. It is up to us to make the new normal absolutely exponentially far more extraordinary. Although the disbelief, disappointment, and frustration is immeasurable, so is our ability to create anything in the universe. Only our fear, anger, hatred, grief, resentment, and regret limit us. In this unprecedented state of world affairs, we must step up to (and show up at) levels of intelligence and creativity higher than ever before.
Here are 4 pillars of character that must be present and strong for us to succeed individually and collectively:
Take time to think about these pillars and know yourself in these ways.
1 - Integrity: knowing and living based on your essential values. What are they and how do you live them?
2 - Discernment: The ability to know/choose well in a non-judgmental way.
The ability to know/discern the outcomes of possible choices. The ability to discern with the mind, heart, and spirit—the ability to feel the truth.
3 - The ability to embrace innovation and limitlessness and be unbound by old ways of coping with difficult situations. Be boundless, dig deeper and higher, and dream larger than life.
4 - Undaunted determination, dedication, and devotion to love, compassion, elevation, and the worth and purpose of your life legacy you are creating.
As always, I would love to hear from you!
Love and Sat Nam,