Andrea Becky Hanson


Andrea has created a profoundly integrated comprehensive holistic, multicultural, multidimensional approach due to her life experience on all levels and dimensions of being. She teaches in empowering energy healing, Emotional Fitness retreats, and opportunities for resolution, reconnection and rejuvenation for sustainable inner- peace, strength and knowing your unique soul's nature and purpose.

Founding Director of Merging Rivers Healing Practices, Inc.

The Deep and Swift Realizations of 2020

From 2002 to 2012 I wrote many poems. I never considered myself a poet and had never written a poem before. It was an intense and deep time of personal transformation on every level for me and many others. What I learned was that poem writing was a way of expressing and sorting out my thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to enable myself to think, feel and know my truth from the inside out—not to just act differently, but to truly transform, elevate and understand myself and life in ways I didn’t know existed. I published 52 of my poems as Poems from the Edge of a New Reality in 2012. It was printed as a book of poems with journal pages to encourage others to try this self-inquiry and writing method of self- discovery. 

The only poems I had written since then were for each of our granddaughters at the time of their birth, acknowledging and thanking them for coming into the world with their special gifts and messages.

About 10 days ago, I found myself writing poems again. I remembered that when life doesn’t match my beliefs or desires, poetry comes forth and demands to be written. It is a method of having an intimate inner conversation, debate, and realization. This time the belief gap is intense and unreal—a complete reversal that has seemingly happened multi-dimensionally and instantaneously. Nearly everything on every level in our personal and external worlds is transforming or non-existent.

This creeping new reality is pervasive, having no promise of ending or containment, or of any former reality reestablishing itself. Nearly everything we passionately sought after, expected, and created day-to-day is now threatened with total uncertainly and voracious efforts to conquer the thief our of known reality. I was struggling to relate to this new life. That being said, and still seeking direction, there is also this undeniable welcomed sense of freedom and feeling that this new reality opened to the creation of a much better world.

One ironic fact stands out for me; after years of reaching out to others, seeking ‘oneness’ and cultivating ‘being in the present moment’ and realizing our true identity as 'Spiritual Beings,’ we simply cannot afford NOT to be in the Sacred Present Moment and live as Sacred Spiritual Beings in order to move with this Universal transition of reality. Now consciously reassessing our values, intentions, purpose, and actions and committing to ‘being the change we want to see’. 

I would love to know how you are dealing in this new world and will be offering some online opportunities to study and share. Although we will not be physically together, we will be together within. I will let you know when the “Together Within Wednesday Wellness Gatherings” will be available after the needed technology and format is complete and ready. Please note, I continue to be available for private energy healing sessions via Zoom, Skype, phone and Face Time.

I would like to share and declare my new world reality values and commitments: To address my mind’s ability to understand right thought, and my body’s ability of self-healing, and my Soul’s ability of right use of Will. I will do this by going through the technologies of purposeful meditation, writing articles, blog posts, poetry and books as a practice of accessing and sharing truth about the interdimensional healing technologies of Energy Psychology, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, and Soul Detective Healing Protocol. I will be available virtually. I stay committed to study, practice, teach and facilitate for others extraordinary healing in the Universal Field where we are all together.

I commit to being in the Sacred Present Moment with gratitude, grace, and compassion and coming together with joyful acceptance and extraordinary creative collaboration. I invite you to join me there.

“2020 Unreality”

A creeping tsunami obliterating certainty

Challenging beliefs, thoughts and expectations

Disappearing plans, dreams and aspirations

Rendering preparedness non-existent

Creating a path of fears

A trail of tears

An avalanche of unknowing

A bridge to nothingness

And in the rubble comes painful deep knowing

Of what we could never even imagine

Inerasable, undeniable, painfully knowable

Worldwide shifting reversal of truth

In desperate need of direction and connection

I go within my mind

My internal compass is obsolete

North is south and east is west…

I go within my heart

Silence and Stillness calms me

I find connection and joyful acceptance there

And answers gently present

-Andrea Becky 3/20/2020, Poems from the Edge of A New Reality

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