The Path to Joy: A Journey of Understanding, Realization and Healing
In 2002, I was prompted to begin designing, teaching and facilitating a healing journey of what I called “emotional fitness.” Little did I know that after years of helping thousands of others heal their lives from what seemed like insurmountable and hopeless situations with the Emotional Fitness Process, that this very same process would be so instrumental in this time of an unprecedented world pandemic crisis.
It took me many days to truly recognize the expanding depth and breadth and uncertainty of this pandemic; though it was a deep wisdom that guided me, my thinking was slow to unwind and to understand and work in the context of this new reality. I am sure this process will go on with deeper realizations and adaptations of higher consciousness.
I have finally reached a place of deep guidance – to let go of the beautiful past and simply move the gift of our now acceptable way of communication to contribute to healing life and living joy. I find it humorous that I criticized virtual communication as careless and impersonal and now am so grateful for the opportunity for us to be in touch, share, learn, heal and accelerate and celebrate a better future on a world scale.
All of what I offer is based on the ancient wisdom and latest scientific discoveries about how the life-force energy and information move through us; we are energy beings that, when we are able to feel our lives and bypass fear, anger, and hopelessness, are capable of everything.
I will be using my ‘Healing Source Blog’ on my website for various learning and healing techniques to help us through this exponentially transformational time. I will be combining and integrating many of the great technologies of whole health and information from other well-known and respected sources. Our goal remains the same —perfect health, deep wellbeing and expansion of limitless, unbounded true identity of elevated consciousness and choices for human excellence.
There is a wonderful technique below with suggested music to accompany it and then a very interesting video from Greg Braden who has always been at the leading edge of healing.
THE THYMUS THUMP - a sure thing emotional fitness technique and immune booster! I recommend you do this whenever you wish to intervene and eliminate any fear, anger, or hopelessness. It will move you to your genius creativity and problem-solving ability. Practice it while listening to the music “Feeling Good Today” from the children’s music album Feeling Good Today by Snatum Kaur, which also has a balancing and uplifting effect on your body, mind, and soul as you are doing it. If you have children at home, have them join you!
Please click the link to view a very interesting video from Greg Braden:
This immunity booster is both stimulating to the immune system and calming to the nervous system— anytime, anywhere. It is called the Thymus Thump. The thymus gland regulates and balances glandular secretions. It is located under the sternum and when we tap or thump the sternum it stimulates and balances our immune and nervous systems. The Thymus Thump was created and developed by Dr. John Diamond, author of Your Body Never Lies.
Here is how to do the Thymus Thump (I can’t help but think of Tarzan here :))
While smiling (smiling increases immunity), think of someone (including yourself) or something (pets, etc) you love (love increases immunity).
With a closed fist, thump on the sternum with a waltz beat (three beats and repeated) while saying either “Ha Ha Ha” or “Yum Yum Yum” or the Tarzan “yodel” in time with the thumps.
End with long deep breaths of relaxation and peace. Just thumping your sternum works too.
You can not do too much of this. Use it anytime, anywhere, with smiling, happy energy. Guaranteed benefits for the Body, Mind, and Soul. That’s Holistic Healing! Choose your destiny in each moment, celebrate your resilience and fortitude, and follow your intuition.