Navigating Your Life in 2020: Being Stable in a World of Unknown, Unseen, and Uncertainty
Here we are…in an unexpected, unknown, unimaginable, and radically different reality that is world-wide. Our normal thought processes and ways of doing things have been radically altered. With each wave of data, news, and information, the reality shifts. We are personally challenged over everyday activities and all cultures are disrupted by this world pandemic. I am finding that the only way to navigate this endless and changing stream of energy and information is to find stability within through remaining calm, considering all angles of the challenges, remaining in a continuous solution based state of mind, and most importantly, feeling the truth within us that directs our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
Literally everything is new and requires an innocent and original inventory of strategies of ways to make everything work. We must have a willingness to drop negative beliefs, to take an inner inventory of creative energy, innovation, values and positivity, a deep knowing of self, and stability of inner awareness. All of this requires our highest awareness and consciousness. We all have this within; we just need to review our values, where we put our attention, and what our intention is for our lives and those we travel with through life. We have been gifted, quite fortunately, the gift of having to be in the present moment—the only place where true genius and solutions are born. Here I offer some amazing help to awaken these truths within you.
From the ancient spiritual technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is an amazing and powerful Meditation. This technology, intuited thousands of years ago, works from the inside out with the use of the tools of yoga and meditation such as pranayama (conscious breathing), asana (body position), mudra (hand position), visualization (thought awareness), and drihsti (eye position). This meditation actually clears your entire energetic field, including the chakras, and removes obstacles to creative, authentic solutions. It integrates you with your Heart and Soul frequency, and it is relaxing and brings clear, original, and positive thoughts and ideas. This stabilizes you within your truth and talents.
I hope you will give it a try. I have included some Kundalini Music to do this meditation with if you wish. It enhances the effects. Let me know your experience with this approach.
Love and Sat Nam (Oneness),