Get Ready for the Best Year of Your Life
It is said that life is simply a series of experiences and more importantly, it is not the experiences that determine the quality of your life but how you live them. The best news is we have been given the gift of choice and can determine the quality and purpose of our lives. Never before have I understood this concept as I do now and I owe that to my study and experiences in India.
It occurred to me that when planning to go to India the first time, I was actually compulsive about going. Now I know why. I realize that I was listening to my heart and deepest desires and willing to take action to fulfill my hunger for spiritual evolution. It is in awe and deep gratitude that I share what I experienced during my first trip there.
It was truly a trip beyond my fondest dreams, desires or expectations. In fact, it was beyond anything I could have known to expect. Through the continual reflection of constant, honest, humble and discerning action and thinking and willingness of India's people, in spite of the government corruption and areas of poverty, I was given the gifts of experiencing joy, true knowingness, and deep knowledge.
I felt joy beyond emotion. A joy that wells up within you and doesn't go away. A joy that is anticipatory and resultant of meeting the people and seeing the sights from Delhi to Rishikesh to Amritsar and substantiating all that I had thought was true. I felt a knowingness beyond facts entwined in the deep passionate history and seeking of a purposeful and dedicated life that still permeates the culture in each person's calm reasonable and responsible, loving and forgiving approach to life. I found understanding beyond knowledge --the powerful reflection of a people, devoted, taking each moment calmly and openly with keen dreams ever present in their actions, moving forward confidently and looking for the moment of opportunity then need. I now have a new interpretation of manifestation with grace and ease, complete surrender to a spirit guided, supported and purpose driven life. This first trip to India was truly life-changing and helped me to look forward to the new year in a way I had never felt before.
It is with great anticipation that I look forward to being with you via phone, email, Goggle, Skype, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, and at a retreat, in person, virtually, this dimension or others as we travel our great universe together truly understanding the gift of a life of service and joy.
For now, I am sending you my most heart/spirit felt wishes for all the peace and joy of this season and all that life has to offer. Dare to move confidently towards your most heartfelt dreams and desires! They are supported and attainable!